Common elements in Mesopotamia, Indus and
Monumental architecture:
- Religious belief, gods (tempels, bath house, pyramids,)*
- Appeared near rivers (flood banks and fertile)
- Written language (Hieroglyphs, trading not readable though, cuneform)
- Social Hierachy/ leader (pyramid, slaves, kingslists in stonecarving, different statuses, government)
- Exchange of goods
(mesopotamia network) - get resourses they can't produce where they live
- Agriculture - irrigation system (bevattningssystem)*
*Civil Loyalty
All of a sudden huge building. They orginize differently.
Orginizing people to get irrigation system. Alla they are build on an
irrigation system. They have brought togheter 100 of people, constructing
project. Enought food then to make all of the stuff above happened.
Without orginizing people, wouldnt have that.
People see them selves as citi citisens now, how people see them
seleves changed. The civil loyalty. People see themselves as a part of a city
than a tribe.
From tibe to city
civilization PP
The first cities
Innovation or diffusion
In cronological order:
- Mesopotamia in iraqe
- Nile in egypt
- Indus in india paquistan
- Huhang he in eastern china
- Mesoamerica in modern mexico
- Andies in west coust south america
- *Niger central west africa
These 7 are
special because they appear out of nowehere, original, not influenced by any
other civilization. Very first cities are in mesopotamia. They are totally
civilization had been difused, like the greks. They're influenced by
mesopotamia and egypt.
*get the map
on the PP*
Theory and criticism
- Analysis is based on taking these 4 theories and testing weather they fit our civlilazation!
- The cosmo-magical city
he Tried to find a pattern
The center
of all these acient city these's a religius center!
Before the
cities excisted, people would have visitet that location. A great meeting for
the hunter-gatherer people. Would meet here like 1/year. Had a ceremony and
place had religiois significanse. They were fertile, fresh water (these nice
places) and you met all the other poeple in the area there, they got a
religious significans!
they're there meeting other groups they exchanged siblings (?)
religious center performed some kind of magic. Not pulling a rabbit out of a
hat, but perfomed some kind of show to predict the future. The magic tried to
commiunicate with the cosmos, with the gods. Performing magic to communicate
with the gods.
Not only had
they religious centers, they seemed to controll all economic and administral
activity. Contolls pretty muc everything in that city.
Administrivy buildings, not only religoius center but
controled also! In research!
- Lewis mumford
Agrees with
weathlys theory, but argues that the cities as they grow they would overlapp
one an other. That would create compitition, wich would lead to warefare. That
goes from the very firt cities until today. The cities grow they grow together,
and they go to war together. Part of the theory. It
you finns the prcens or war theres proof of contines warfare, then mumfus does
The type of
warefare, because of the relious, the warfare horrible. The power and religion
makes a distructive mix
The religios
is worse than the other kinds because if you fight for religious belief you
tend to be fanatical (9/11 exemple) mixing religio and war is not a good thing.
At this time you'll hear about cities that are defeated and population
completely exicuted.
- Gerda lerner
She argues
the beginning of cities start the segregation of women. The upper paeolithic
woman had high statues, but here women loose out. Because momfurds idea (cities
lead to warefare) and warefare ipotant part, men contoleld the political power.
When you defended your cities successfully, when they return they get status!
That's men, and their power raises as they can fight. Women loose power.
- Karl marx
philosofer. Before political philosofer, historican analyst
society starts to split up to different groups. Everyones a gatherer, hunter
and so on. But now people specialize in different taskt. People now work with
e.g. metal the whole day. (not farming in morning and metal in evning) only one
task! Priests, administrators (people that can write), slaves. Society now have
splitted into different groups.
He also says
these different groups had to be conflicting!
Evidence of conflict!